A little help and kindness are not much, but it might go further than you think.  In December 2023, one of our colleagues Mr Nathan Truong went to Vietnam and assisted in the preparation and delivery of 1,000 meals to those who were in need.

Living in such an abundant country here in Australia, we are very thankful for the fresh food readily available to us each day.  However, there are still hundreds and thousands of people, especially in Third World countries, who still suffer from poverty in their daily lives.

Nathan organised 1,000 freshly prepared meals to be made and delivered to those who were in need.  The light and joy in this little action alone is unbelievable.

We have always liked this quote from Louise Hay…

“There is enough food to go around in the world, what is lacking is love.  The love to share.”

Mahatma Gandhi said something similar too…

“There is enough on this planet for everyone’s needs but not for every one’s greed.”

We might not be able to feed all the hungry and all the poor, but by feeding one person, one family at a time, we are making a difference in our own little way.